Matt Glover
Book Launch

The site:
Old Pumping Station, Cropston
The brief:
The plan and deliver a Book Launch for my very good friend Matt Glover.
The challenge:
Making sure all the correct data was available from Matts’ Kickstarter and Eventbrite accounts. Ensuring that the event was everything that Matt wanted it to be.
The solution:
Getting Laura Bradley on board to be chief spreadsheet Queen!
Various briefing calls and WhatsApps chats with Matt to ensure everything was
covered and all his questions answered
The result:
A truly heart-warming and successful evening. Canapés and Prosecco on arrival outside in the sunshine.
Music pumping through the venue and outside, laughter, love and hugs for Matt. And a queue (an hour long) to chat to Matt and receive a signed copy of his cookbook!
Watch the video: