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  • Writer's pictureKaren Edwards

Everything is a juggle!

It’s been a while since I have written a blog.

The sole reason is my life has been crazy! Absolutely crazy! Probably like most of you reading this, since the summer (well before that), the event world has gone frantic!! Everyone has woken up and wants everything NOW!!

Event opportunities are plentiful, they are varied and span both national and international locations!

So, there is no reason to complain as I am in demand… doing a job that I love for clients that I respect and enjoy working for.

There’s just one thing to throw in the mix…. Family, or more importantly small children!

My summer was challenging to say the least. I have a small one at Nursery and one slightly larger one at school. who needs entertaining for 6 weeks! So, taking on a new event with both a team and venue not based in the UK, you may thing was crazy. And it probably was!! Most of my calls and meetings were in the afternoon, and with the time difference I was on-line in the evening until late.

So, how did I cope in the summer…?

Well, there are football clubs, grandparents, friends/ coparents, playdate and a strict excel spreadsheet which must be followed!

If there is one thing that I have learnt from the summer, it is that life is always going to be a juggle – there are always going to be clashes, there are always going to be times when you can not be present. The most important thing for me is that I am doing my absolute best to parent and nurture my small ones, and also be the best event professional I can.

Life will always be a juggle, sometimes the clashes and stresses are unavoidable but we react and deal with them the best way we can.

Stay sane and positive!

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